The Governors of Alderley Edge School for Girls are committed to broadening access to the School, by offering to eligible parents or guardians means-tested financial support with the payment of school fees. Such support is known as a Bursary. Bursaries may be awarded in the form of a discount of up to 100% of tuition fees payable, depending on the financial, compassionate, or other pertinent circumstances of applicants.

The school offers a limited number of bursaries for entry into the Prep School along with entry bursaries at both 11+ (Year 7) and entry to sixth form (Year 12).  Parents must indicate on the application form if they wish to apply for a bursary and, if their daughter is shortlisted for interview, they will be required to complete a bursary application form. The School will consider the Student’s entitlement to a bursary in its absolute discretion.

The terms of any financial assistance will be communicated in the offer and will require to be complied with for the duration of the student’s attendance at the School.

Hardship bursaries may also be provided to parents, who need short term financial support at other times.  This may be due to redundancy, long term illness or other exceptional circumstances. 

All bursaries are means tested and are based on both parents’ income and assets.  Households with a gross annual income of less than £80,000 would typically qualify for consideration for financial assistance with fees.  Each case is assessed on its own merits and awards are made accordingly, subject to the School’s ability to fund these within the context of its overall budget.  Bursaries are available throughout the period of a student’s attendance at the School, subject to satisfactory behavioural conduct and academic progress, and to the continuation of the financial need. Parents who require financial assistance are required to complete a new Bursary application form each year, since circumstances do change. Therefore, Bursaries may be varied upwards or downwards depending on parental circumstances. For those to whom a Bursary has been awarded, the balance of fees and any other charges for the term are payable by the Parents.

To identify eligible applicants the School will:

  • Follow the published procedures;
  • Require applicants to have completed the relevant application form according to the published timetable;
  • Use age-appropriate assessment to assess all prospective pupils prior to entry;
  • Obtain reports for all prospective pupils- these may include information about attendance, ability, achievement and attitude. These will be treated as confidential;
  • Interview prospective pupils and their families/ careers as it deems necessary;
  • Make any offer of a place to the Sixth Form conditional on the applicant attaining the required level of GCSE (or equivalent) results.

To enquire about a place for your daughter at Alderley Edge School for Girls and to book a tour, please contact  or call 01625 583028

To apply for a bursary, please contact