Girls On Board Pastoral Support
Health and Safety

We are delighted to be introducing ‘Girls On Board’ to pupils in Years 3 to 13. Girls on Board is an approach to help girls between the ages of 7 and 18 navigate the of-ten troubled waters of friendship problems.

Girls on Board helps girls, their parents and their teachers to understand the complexities and dynamics of girl friendships. The language, methods and ideas empower girls to solve their own friendship problems and recognise that they are usually the only ones who can. By empowering girls to find their own solutions, parents need worry less, schools can focus more on the curriculum and the girls learn more effectively – because they are happier.

Over 600 schools have adopted this award-winning approach and are now supporting thousands of girls in their friendships. Girls on Board has featured on BBC Radio Five Live and in the TES. They work closely with the Girls’ Day School Trust and the National Education Union (NEU) to bring this approach to as many schools as possible.

There is a fantastic book to support the programme called ‘When Girls Fall Out’. The book is available at We highly recommend you read this to help support your daughter.

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