Our future-inspired, innovative Senior School curriculum is broad and challenging. Our commitment to parents is that we do everything in our power to ensure all girls reach, and where possible exceed, their academic potential. We are proud of our value-added scores.

Our GCSE results put us in the top 3% of schools nationally for ‘value added’ meaning students routinely exceed expectations.

Learning is enhanced with the use of technology as pupils benefit from the use of a personal iPad, which is integrated into everyday teaching and learning.

Examination success is important, and an AESG education is much more than this. We aim to empower girls to flourish as strong, independent and successful young women who are equipped with the skills to communicate with confidence and take their place as responsible, active and global citizens bringing about positive change.

We identify skills through the use of the #BeMore Profile to guide the planning of the curriculum. The #BeMore profile identifies eight attributes that we seek to develop in our students;

  • Resilience 
  • Responsibility 
  • Reflection 
  • Resourcefulness 
  • Collaboration 
  • Curiosity 
  • Creativity 
  • Communication