Headmistress’ Blog | May 2022

As we break up for the May Half Term holiday the school has a strange quietness as we are well and truly in the examination season. After two years without public examinations, girls in all sections of school are facing assessments and examinations. For our senior students this can be a pressurised time for students as they try to achieve that perfect balance of exam preparation, consolidation and final revision in order to achieve the best results. It is human nature to often wish that perhaps you had done more, started revision earlier or at worst, chosen different subjects!  As teachers in school we try to ensure that the build up towards final examinations is steady and proportionate so that peak performance can be reached at the right time. Music and drama examinations, sporting competitions, performances on stage – whether to a live audience or a remote examiner are a test of preparation, resilience and diligence. Always at AESG we aim to ensure that girls are well prepared for whatever challenges they may face.

On Friday 10 May we said a sad “farewell” to our Upper Sixth students as it was their last formal day in school. Some members of the year group have been part of the AESG community since the age of two. As we wish the class of 2022 well, I would like to thank our Senior School Head Girl Team – Scarlett, Immie and Lydia for their hard work, loyalty and contribution to school life. I have no doubt that these girls will become successful leaders in the future.

We have just appointed our Senior School Head Girl Team for next year. Our Head Girl for 2022/2023 is Jumanah Charbak who will be assisted by her Deputies Lauren Hall and Grace Irving. Many congratulations to these young women especially as the field of applicants very strong indeed. All candidates had to write a letter of application and lead an assembly before the staff and student vote. I was so impressed with every candidate and commend their resilience and confidence in applying for these positions. Those appointed act as role models and leaders of AESG and I am looking forward to working with them next year.

It seems appropriate at this time of year to write about the importance of preparing students for life after AESG. As educationalists we often ask ourselves the following question: What it is that we want for the young people in our school? To get to ‘the’ / ‘an’ answer, we must think about what would / does an 18 year old need at the point of leaving in order to have the best chance of making the most of themselves going forward?

In the educational press there is a plethora of articles giving advice about preparing students for life in the 21st century workplace. What comes out very clearly is that in addition to the academic results that matter, there are a much broader set of skills and values that schools feel duty-bound to develop in their students. The educational experience must not be solely focus on academic qualifications, as this is only part of a much bigger picture. A great education is one that develops the individual: their minds, their values, their well-being, their skills and their interests: not all of which come with a certificate.

You do not need to go very far or look very hard to discover the concerns from employers around the relative lack of fundamental skills in today’s graduates and school leavers. We hear time and again that yes the young employees have qualifications, but they aren’t able to cope with or contribute positively to the working world, which requires so much more of them as people.

Political understanding for and appreciation of what an education should be has become dangerously narrowed: the only message that the political parties appear intent on pushing is one that advocates the singular importance of academic qualification for the workplace. Unfortunately, the short-sightedness of this mantra combined with the squeeze on funding for education means that school leavers and graduates are too often falling short of what is actually needed.

So, what does it mean to be ‘qualified’? The word is used all over the place but I’m not sure people use it as it is intended. According to the Collins English Dictionary: ‘qualify’ (verb) means ‘to provide or be provided with the abilities and attributes necessary for a task, office, duty etc.’

As an independent school, AESG is in the fortunate position of being able to steer its own path. We place equal value on the academic, active and altruistic development of every student – an emphasis which we believe enables those students to develop the abilities and attributes that make them ready for the workplace. I say to families time and again, that there can be no denying that academic qualifications are important – they open the door to the next stage – but it is who you are and what you will bring that enable you to progress beyond the door frame. That is the reason why we offer such a broad co-curricular and enrichment programme so that pupils learn these valuable life skills in all key stages. Taking part in the Young Enterprise Company Programme or the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, being part of a team or musical ensemble or participating in our many residential visits are just a few examples of how we help students to gain the skills needed to flourish in the workplace.

What is the endgame of education? To ensure young people are truly qualified to make a success of themselves in the workplace and their communities. At AESG, we continue to be guided by this responsibility, reviewing what we do and how we do it so that the education we provide is dynamic, challenging and relevant.

As we approach the end of a short but incredibly busy half term, I wish you all a restful and peaceful half term break.

Best wishes
Nicola Smillie

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