The intent of our D&T curriculum is to enable all of our students to experience a full set of learning opportunities which is broad and balanced and to equip our pupils to successfully participate in wider society as confident and inquisitive designers.

Our curriculum is creative and incorporates building skilled experience that enables learners to apply theoretical knowledge, creativity, critical thinking into challenging outcomes.

Overview of Year 7, 8 & 9 Curriculum

Project and topic areas outcomes change annually however, content is mapped to GCSE Key principles of Designing, Making and Technical principles.

  • Identifying Requirements.
  • Learning from existing products and practice
  • Consideration of wider issues
  • Design Thinking and Communication
  • Material Considerations
  • Technical Understanding
  • Manufacturing processes and techniques.
  • Viability of Design Solutions.

GSCE Product Design with a Textile focus

The course of study aims to: -

  • Develop an awareness and understanding of real-life experiences in designing and in the developments and opportunities seen in creative, manufacturing and engineering industries
  • Develop realistic design proposals as a result of the exploration of design opportunities and users’ (and stakeholders') needs, wants and values
  • Use imagination, experimentation and combine ideas when designing
  • Develop the skills to critique and refine their own ideas whilst designing and making
  • Communicate their design ideas and decisions using different media and techniques, as appropriate for different audiences at key points in their designing
  • Become independent and critical thinkers who can adapt their technical knowledge and understanding to different design situations
  • Be ambitious and open to explore and take design risks in order to stretch the development of design proposals, avoiding clichĂ©d or stereotypical responses
  • Use key Design and Technology terminology including those related to: designing, innovation and communication; materials and technologies; making, manufacture and production; critiquing, values and ethics

    Enrichment Opportunities

    The department firmly believes in the importance of extra-curricular enrichment opportunities. Competitions vary each year. Here is a flavour of the enrichment opportunities we present:

    • Local competitions
    • D&T lunchtime club
    • Practical action plastics challenge Y7.
    • Dress a young person from around the world
    • Trips to see local and national exhibitions as appropriate each year.
    • Wool4for schools
    • Trip to The Clothes Show Live
    • Young Fashion Designer UK competition