The Music department at AESG has an ethos of music for all and actively encourages all students to participate in a variety of activities throughout the year.
We believe that music is a universal language which enhances all our lives and can help students across the school extend their learning across all subjects. Music lessons are part of the classroom curriculum from Year 7 until the end of Year 9, when students can opt to take the subject at GCSE. Our more talented musicians are given the opportunity to complete the GCSE as an extra option.
All students can benefit from individual lessons in voice, orchestral instruments, as well as piano, organ, guitar and drums. The school benefits from an outstanding team of peripatetic staff who are also practising musicians and students enjoy close links with the Hallé Choirs and RNCM college.
We have an extensive extra-curricular programme of musical study which we encourage all students to take part in.
Senior School Activities include:
- Access for all Choir – Years 7-13
- Edge Voices – Senior Chamber Choir (Vocal Scholars and by Audition)
- Edge Ensemble – Instrumental players (all levels welcome)
- Single Reeds Ensemble
- Flute Choir
- String Orchestra
The department aims to offer a music tour abroad biannually, and our choirs have benefited from singing in cathedrals in Salzburg and Rome. More recently students participated in an Erasmus project completing a pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago, before performing in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.
Music Scholarships
In Years 7, 9 and Sixth Form, students are invited to apply for the scholars’ programme which offers an extension programme of study and opportunities to compete in ISA, Woodard and National competitions.
All students having individual tuition are encouraged to compete in local music festivals. Many of our singers regularly audition for the Hallé and National Youth Choirs.
School Productions
Each year, AESG showcases its musical talent in our annual production. In previous years girls have participated in Legally Blonde, Les Misérables and The Wizard of Oz.
Pupils enjoy solos and singing as part of a group. The experience is great fun and enables the girls to add public performances to their musical portfolios.