Junior School Learning Exchange
Junior School

Today, pupils from Nursery through to Year 6 have welcomed parents into school for their Learning Exchange, a wonderful opportunity for the girls to showcase their work this academic year, to their parents.

Mrs Bains introduced the Learning Exchange into AESG to help the students to take ownership of their own learning and to support the girls in demonstrating the attributes of the Learner Profile: Collaboration, creativity, communication, curiosity, responsibility, reflection, resourcefulness and resilience.  It’s been the most lovely afternoon, as the girls proudly took their parents through their books, folders, showed them the classroom and corridor displays (that includes their work) as well as sharing work on Seesaw.


Format of the Learning Exchange

Before the Exchange, students:

  • Identify the work they want to share with their parents.
  • Review their work with the teacher and think about learning goals, the Learner Profile attributes and targets.
  • Explain the benefit of the Exchange as a learning process to their parents.

During the Exchange, students:

  • Share and discuss learning with their parents.
  • Identify strengths and learning goals with parents.
  • Determine the next steps to improve learning.

After the Exchange, students:

  • Discuss the benefits of the conference with the teacher.
  • Work on the next steps to improve learning.
  • Consider and update learning targets.

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