Y6’s Exhibition Extravaganza
Junior School Event

At the beginning of the week, Year 6 presented their Exhibition, the culmination of weeks of work and a showcase of the fantastic academic progress they have made during their time in the Junior School.

The Year 6 Exhibition is an extended independent enquiry project. Each student chooses an area of interest that they wish to research further and once that area has been decided upon, three key questions have to be explored, investigated and researched, and findings presented in an appropriate way to best convey these answers.

The Exhibition provides an opportunity at the end of Year 6, for the students to apply the skills that have been learned throughout the Junior School, to demonstrate attributes they have acquired from the AESG Learner Profile, and to explore issues from different perspectives.

We are very proud of the Year 6 Exhibition; it is unlike anything that other Junior Schools provide in Year 6. After the Entrance Exam to the Senior School in January, the staff continue to teach a full curriculum, focusing on academic achievement and we are always mindful that we are preparing our students for their Senior School careers, not just an exam to enter Year 7. The Exhibition is an important vehicle in continuing and extending this academic learning.

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