Sensational Sports Days
Junior School Sport

This week we held both the Junior School Sports Day on our beautiful field and the Senior School Sports Day at Macclesfield Athletics Ground. Both Juniors and Seniors threw themselves into the events to the cheers and support of both pupils and parents.

Senior School Sports Day Results

Overall winner – St Hilary (439pts)
2nd – St Emilie (358pts)
3rd – St Joan (357pts)
4th – St Francis (328pts)

Year Group Records broken:

Year 7
Long Jump – Georgia R 4.40m

Year 8
Javelin – Flo W 19.69m
100m – Lucy J 13.22s
Long Jump – Polly B 4.43m

Year 9
800m – Elizabeth S 2.32mins
Long Jump – Martha R 4.20m

Year 10
200m – Seren R 26.62s*
Long jump – Seren R 5m*
High Jump – Seren R 1.50m *
Discus – Marya ZA 23.68m*

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