Year 7 Teach Cantonese to Local Primary School
Community Event

Today Katherine S (Year 7) and Sonya C (Year 8) taught their home language Cantonese to the whole school at Peover Supe-rior Primary School. Sonya has only been in England for two and a half months and was very nervous, but was a natural in front of the class. The pupils were very interested in asking about all the cultural differences and listened so well when the girls told them about the many different festivals they cele-brate in Hong Kong.

They then taught them the numbers and colours in Cantonese and completed matching up worksheets.

Mrs Coltman said: “As always it is such a privilege to take these girls into other schools, as teachers are amazed by the confidence and manners our girls have. The language leaders research, create and organise all the resources which always includes a power point, worksheets, and crafts. They have be-come mini teachers.

Every time I feel incredibly proud of the girls and of being part of a school that creates opportunities like these.


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