Sports News
Prep School Sport

Y7 & 8 v Bramhall High School

Years 7 & 8 had a fantastic time representing AESG against Bramhall High School. There were some fantastic results and wonderful team spirit—well done girls!

Year 6 V Bowdon Prep

Year 6 played Bowdon Prep in a netball fixture this week. This was some excellent netball on display with a win for both sides.
Players of the Match were Tatiana and Isobel —well done!

Year 3’s First Netball Fixture

Year 3 had a wonderful time at their first netball fixture and first experience of representing the school for sport.
Thank you to Macclesfield School’s Sports for organising!

ISA Swimming Gala

This week, two girls from the Prep School competed in the ISA North Schools Swimming Gala, over 20 school attended the competition.
Congratulations to Tatiana in Year 6 and Phillipa in Year 4 who both finished 3rd in breaststroke and free-style respectively.
Phillip will now be going to represent the North in the National Gala at the Olympic pool in London in December!

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