Sports News
Sport Competitions

English Fell Running

Imogen F (Y7) and Clarissa R (Y13) participated in the English Schools’ Fell Running Championships on Saturday. It was a tough course with serious climbs and a forced river crossing.

Both represented AESG brilliantly and should be proud of themselves for the determination and resilience shown at such a challenging event.

Well done, girls!

AESG V King’s Macclesfield

Four teams from the Prep School headed off to King’s Macclesfield this week to play in a Netball tournament.

The girls played brilliantly and won all four of their matches!

Fantastic work, girls.

AESG v The Grange Junior School

It was fantastic to see all our Y4 girls representing school in their netball matches v The Grange Jun-ior School. We had some super results too, with all three teams winning their games. Players of the match were, Polly, Quinn and DJ.

Year 5 A and B netball v The Grange Junior School. The A team won 7 – 4 and the B team won 5 – 2.

Players of the match were Sienna and Philippa.

AESG v Fallibroome

A super win for the U15 Hockey team against Fallibroome this week.

Well done team!

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