Success At Public Speaking Competition—Youth Speaks
Senior School Competitions

Youth Speaks is a competition organised by the Rotary Club and is designed to promote the importance of oracy amongst teenagers through the medium of public speaking.

Our Intermediate and Senior Teams represented AESG exceptionally well in the initial round of the competition this week. They spoke eloquently and powerfully which is an incredibly impressive achievement and one that they can certainly afford to feel very proud of. Their success in representing themselves and AESG so impressively is testament to their determination to articulate their own thoughts, opinions and ideas and to their understanding of the power of the voice.

The Intermediate Team’s presentation was based on gender inequality in the film industry and entitled ‘Gender Inequality in the Superhero Industry: Not so Marvel-ous’. Millie-Rose C was the Chairperson, Ava C was the Speaker and Bronwen G was the Vote of Thanks. The Senior Team’s presentation was based on debunking the myths surrounding teenagers and entitled ‘Dispelling the Myth of Teen Moodiness’. Charlotte T was the Chairperson, Nayaab W was the Speaker and Lucy Flanagan was the Vote of Thanks.

All of the girls performed exceptionally well. Indeed, Charlotte T was awarded Chairperson of the evening – a fantastic achievement!
The skills that students have acquired in taking part in the competition are transferable skills for life and position them firmly as girls who are willing to voice their opinions and who are fully aware of the power of the voice.

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