Safer Internet Day
Pre-School Guest Speaker

On Tuesday, we marked Safer Internet Day. The Digital Leaders in the Prep School gave presentations to each of their classes about the dangers of the Internet. They also explained that while the Internet is an amazing resource, children should be aware of scams, and people not being who they say they are.

We would like to make you aware of a Podcast 

This episode is joined by guest speaker Catherine Knibbs, UKCP accredited psychotherapist and cyber trauma expert, who speaks with Jess McBeath and our young podcast presenter Ailish Hunter around the subject.

Their presenters talk in depth about the impact that technology can have on our lives with discussion around how we all manage our screentime and the ways technology can distract us when we are carrying out our everyday tasks. Catherine touches on how we can become drawn into ‘attachments’ through wanting to keep up-to-date and maintaining communication with others via our devices.

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