Congratulations To Our New Head Girls Team

Over the last few weeks, girls in the Lower Sixth have been busy with all sorts of preparations for  the selection process of choosing Head Girls for 2022. The process began with the girls sending in an application about why they would like to be Head Girl, then staff and Sixth Form voted. From The initial 11 short listed, six girls went on to give speeches in assemblies where the girls in the Senior School voted.  The final six girls then were interviewed individual by Mrs Smillie and Miss McConville. Taking everything into account, we are delighted that Jumanah has been chosen as Head Girl, supported by Grace and Lauren as Deputy Head Girls.

Here we hear from Jumanah for the very first time as Head Girl 2022-2023.

“Hi everyone, I’m Jumanah. It feels so surreal and exciting to have been chosen as Head Girl at a school that means so much to me. I feel really grateful and privileged to have been given this opportunity to give back to a school that I am so proud to be a part of.

Grace, Lauren and I are so excited to get started in our new roles and are really looking forward to becoming more involved in the inner workings of school and working closely with Mrs Smillie, Miss McConville and the Senior Leadership Team, as well each other, of course!

We are really thrilled to be in a position where we can make a positive impact on school life, no matter how big or small that might be. We are looking forward to being a bridge between staff and students to ensure that all girls feel happy and supported at school. We want every girl to have a positive and enjoyable school experience, and we will do our very best to help make this happen.

Exciting days ahead – we can’t wait to get started!”

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