Summer Wins Place On Prestigious Oxford University Course
Sixth Form Announcement

In the week that saw us celebrate International Women’s Day, we are delighted to share with you the news that Summer in Year 10 has been awarded a place on the prestigious ‘Uncover Engineering’ course at Oxford University.

Hundreds of pupils from throughout the UK applied for a place on the course, submitting 600 words on why they should be awarded a place. As well as this, pupils also had to summit their predicted GCSE grades.

In Summer’s application she explained; “It has always been my dream to work within Formula One because of my fascination with car mechanics and my dream of travelling the world as an engineer.”

The course, which combines maths with physics will enable Summer to learn more about the subject of Engineering. She will be programming robots and attending classes at the Department of Engineering Science at the university as well as staying in the university halls of residence at St Hugh’s College.

As an all-girls school it is always wonderful to see examples of young women striving for jobs that have been considered to be ‘male’ career choices. When girls learn in an environment in which there are no male stereotypes they are given the confidence to pursue careers in traditionally male focused roles as the subjects they choose in school are full of successful female role models.

Summer continued: “Engineering in the past has often considered to be a very dominated male industry, so it has made me even more determined to break this stereotype as many females now have, and embrace, the opportunity that this course will offer.”

Since being at AESG, Summer has taken every opportunity available to enhance her love of STEM subjects. Summer regularly takes part many extra-curricular activities and enrichment opportunities at school such as: Lego League Mind Storms, Language Leaders, Robotics Club and Further Maths.

She explains: “Lego League has taught me many things; it has allowed me to build and adapt many skills such as learning how to code to manoeuvre a robot around a course. I am now a School Ambassador for the club which means I can teach and encourage younger years to be as passionate as I am, whilst developing both my team and independent skills.”

We would like to congratulate Summer and wish her the best of luck on the course. We can’t wait to hear all about it!

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