Young Enterprise Innovation and Technology Champions!
Sixth Form Awards

Congratulations to our Sixth Form Young Enterprise team My LittleLabBox who competed at the Regional Finals of the Young
Enterprise Competition hosted by KPMG and won the innovation and technology award!

“The event involved delivering a presentation about the development of My LittleLabBox.
Although it was initially nerve-wrecking to
perform to a large audience, we fully immersed ourselves in the process. The experience was rewarding as were able to further develop our confidence and presenting abilities, ensuring we were loud and clear.  In addition, the team learned how to compose themselves under pressure in timed conditions, as we answered a number of
questions from the judges in a formal interview, about our experience as young entrepreneurs with My LittleLabBox.

Please contact My LittleLabBox via our trading station (linked below) or DM us on Instagram @mylittlelabbox for more information and how to buy.
My LittleLabBox - Science at Home Experiment Kit | YE Trading Station

Written by Aman B (Managing Director of My LittleLabBox) 


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