Kingswood residential

It was wonderful to see the excitement on the faces of Y7 & 8 as they boarded the bus for Kingswood, in the beautiful Colomendy in North Wales. It’s been a long time since the girls went on a residential and they couldn’t wait to get there and throw themselves into the activities.

Within a beautiful forest setting, the girls took part in caving, a nightline, which saw them walking blindfolded, buggy building, a high up, leap of faith and a night time walk through the forest. The high-light though was definitely the campfire which saw Year 7 and Year 8 in a ‘Shine Jesus Shine’ sing off!

The instructors all commented how supportive the girls were towards each other . The activities were challenging but the girls showed incredible resilience and team work, which allowed them to success-fully complete all the activities!

“My favourite memory was when I got to the top of Jacob’s ladder and seeing Robins in a nest!”

I loved caving because I faced my fear of tight spaces and spiders!

“I developed determination and resilience.”

Three words that sum up Kingswood are Exciting, Thrilling and Unforgettable!

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